Wednesday, May 7, 2014



Cinque de Mayo at Senior Center near by last night, and I was thinking of the Mambo and Tango, which I can fake pretty well. However, there was most line dancing to country western music, which only one looked like the participants were having a really good time. There was some partner dancing like the Shag, which I rebelled against when a young rebellious hippie/sailor. I tried to learn it later but too many straight lines for me. I even took some lessons in "partner dancing" at this Senior Center, yet still, I don't enjoy dancing like that. I have always been a free dancer, to rock and roll and reggae! You know the seventies mostly - disliked the disco dancing period mostly! Love the Free Spirit Yoga Dancing like at Kripalu - where you just mostly let yourself go to Spirit and really feel IT!
Well, last night was not a complete waste. I asked one of the most popular guys there (and maybe best dancer) that I met at partner dancing, and really enjoyed (he said he was an "old hippie" too) if I could sit at his table. He gracefully declined, so I went and sat in an almost empty corner, where this gentlemen said, humorously, it was the "bad boy's table". I laughed and said, "I will fit right in.". I was drinking some alcoholic free Margaritas, and he offered me a sip of his "real -thing" tequila with triple sec in it, a little I added to my drink. A couple of ladies joined us, and were duly warned, however one got it and enjoyed the humor, while the other lady just seemed desperate. Eventually, after a lot of small talk and complaining that the line dancers had taken over the D. J., the man and woman started dissing Obama harshly. The other lady, sitting across the table,  raised her eyebrows at me, apparently signaling me that she did not enjoy sitting in between such toxic conversation. Soon, she moved over between me and the next man, and she obviously wanted to dance. I told her about my line dancing phobia, and she said she could follow on a slow dance. So the first one of those that came up, we danced - just a regular slow dance dance, while the other "trained" dancers did the shag or something which we both agreed did not go along with the beat. And there was no doubt about that, and we just looked at each other and giggled.
I told her about my devotion to mindfulness Stress Relief, and later she told me about her hobby as a potter. "That is mindful activity." I told her and we agreed on creativity. She had told the whole table that she and her husband (divorced or deceased) were told they were Bohemians. She said this inquisitively, so I told her that bohemians were the name of free spirits before "hippies - peace and love children." She appeared to agree while the other couple sort of rolled their eyes and continued to wish the worst for Obama and all democrats,
Later, while the line dancers commandeered the dance floor, the real slow Tennessee Waltz came up, which became a circle dance, she asked me if I could dance the waltz, and I replied but not in a circle. She said that we could dance it in the middle of the circle, which I agreed to and had a ball!
Finally, a good old rock and roll song came up and I joyously led her out to the floor, and few other old codgers joined us when they saw what a good time we were having. Most of the old timers appeared to either envy us or to disapprove us? I know the line dance teachers "best dancer" introduced us, after congratulating me for finally getting to dance my free spirited way.
That pretty much ended the night for K., as she was on call tomorrow as a nurse. As we walked out, she stated that most people seemed so sad there, and asked me if I was happy, and with a big smile, I wished her good night. I am still high this morning on finally meeting a local woman who understands "out of the box" - LET YOUR SPIRIT DANCE:

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Getting to Know Me Better

Tuesday, Apr. 22

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.

Jalaluddin Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks
We Are Three.
(e-cardqQuote: Lao Tzu, 6th Century B.C., Photo: Rugger Burke)
Theda Parks Sometimes.. feeling safe within boundaries of what we know (or perceive)about ourselves can be very comforting, but also limiting. During my six-week trip out West last summer, I wanted to do at least one thing that terrified me.. so I chose to get in a hot air balloon. Oddly enough, just taking the steps, making the phone call to set it up made most of the fear leave me. The ride was nothing I had previously envisioned. To say it was liberating is a really big understatement. I would do it again. It opened the self-imposed gate to freedom. It was all good. XOXO
Ron Alexander Good for you Theda Parks! I really admire you. thanks for your support and inspiration. They used to float over Napa State Hospital where I worked, and when there was not enough wind (or hot air?) the baskets would bounce off the knoll tops - shaking up the passengers. I have heard of injuries occurring like that, so I don't plan any rides on them. I have proved myself with enough dangerous activities like hang-gliding, mountain climbing (hiking to mountains with Grizzlies, Moose, Cougars, snakes and marijuana farmers) lots of free diving with sharks around, blue water sailing, skiing, et. al. so feels good to not have to prove my "manhood" anymore!
Theda Parks Hey.. it took me 70 years to do it! XOXO

Ron Alexander Alright Theda Parks, like I say I admire you! I am turning 70 in Oct. and plan for it to be awesome start of something very new and probably daring? In fact this past year I pretty much gave up my life of economic privilege, and this may have been the most daring move yet. I may write a book on True Privilege/Wealth?

Theda Parks What would have prompted such a decision? XOXO

Ron Alexander Short version Theda Parks: "liberal" is a dirty word in rest of my family - they wake up to Faux Fatcat news and go to bed with it! And they hate Obama! And you can imagine the rest of story? Then 2 trophy "wives" - one I married and the other I didn't thankfully. This time last year I was living in million dollar beachhouse, and driving a Passat TDI plus a Volvo "boat wagon". Like I said, I might write a book about whole process - for my growth and understanding of privilege...

Theda Parks Not sure what your family's political preferences have to do with you.. other than they might want you to conform to their thinking. Being of similar age and raised by very conservative parents myself, I do understand the pressure that can be applied. Was there any love involved with the "trophy wife/girlfriend"? Just trying to understand here.. were the toys (beach house, cars, etc.) in addition to yourself, or was that your identity at that time? I'm not saying money can't be an issue, but only if we give it power in a wrong way. Your postings have been very clear you are on a different kind of search internally, and I take my hat off to you. You just don't have to be poor to have a different experience. In fact, it gives you the opportunity to put $ in a place that will do a lot of good and feed your heart too. Again--these are only observations based on what I've been reading. I don't really know you on a personal level, so please understand.. there's no intention to step on any toes or ruffle feathers. Just trying to know you better. Namaste XOXO

Ron Alexander No, Theda Parks - the main thing, since letting go of my families' fortune, I feel better about myself. I am happier and starting to feel successful! That sense of privilege was great security growing up and in all my adventures. However, there was something false about it - it was feeling secure in my future inheritance, and not really in myself. With my two "trophy partners", there was lust mainly, and then them wanting what I had - material things - I found it was not me, but my toys and possessions that attracted them more than anything. However, I was guilty of using my possessions to attract women too. Now, that I have nothing left to lose, I know the right person will come into my life or not. I am getting happier and happier with myself, the more I live mindfully in the moment! Oh, I would love to be rich again, however more importantly is feeling that way independently. thanks for trying to get to know me better!

A River of Joy Moving in You

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.

Jalaluddin Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks
We Are Three(
Evelyn Leonard Wright yes, a most precious joy!!!
  • Ron Alexander thanks Evelyn - almost have my bilge cleaned out - whole boat will be looking good for possible buyer tomorrow. You would like her, she is a vet. who plans to use boat as some kind of therapy boat for vets. in the Bahamas! Hope she can afford FLYING FREE?
  • Evelyn Leonard Wright Man, I hate to see you part with your boat, Ron--but sometimes, that's the way it should be--hopefully, she can afford it, too! and hey! aren't you a vet? I imagine she could take you for a sail or two once in a while! right?
  • Ron Alexander Did you not hear Evelyn Leonard Wright that I have something called Mienere's disease - inner ear problems that cause vertigo. I am just not comfortable sailing anymore. Also, the expenses around my boat led to me missing out on a scholarship to study with a meditation master teacher at Omega. Also, I was reminded by a young man at health food place how messed up my skin was by sun poisoning last summer. And yes, possibly I may be able to join with her in the Bahamas, if my condition becomes cleared. I was diagnosed over 2 years ago and then it went away for over a year and a half. Then I came up with an inner ear infection with a bad cold in Feb. and it came back, and has stayed with me since. I am feeling good about new adventures though, thanks for replying dear Evelyn!


    Thursday, April 10, 2014


    Photo: This quote can sum up what scientists, researchers & seekers in all walks of life have been contemplating for eons of time.  Every cell in our body, every neutron,  gene, chromosome, DNA strand, molecule, transmitter & the trillion other nerve senses we carry, right now at this very minute, came from our ancestors.  WE ARE THE RESULT OF THE LOVE OF THOUSANDS <3  We are all: BOUND BY HONOR & BOUND BY LOVE <3



    This quote can sum up what scientists, researchers & seekers in all walks of life have been contemplating for eons of time. Every cell in our body, every neutron, gene, chromosome, DNA strand, molecule, transmitter & the trillion other nerve senses we carry, right now at this very minute, came from our ancestors. WE ARE THE RESULT OF THE LOVE OF THOUSANDS We are all: BOUND BY HONOR & BOUND BY LOVE

    Ron Alexander I really like this, however I am not so sure about my ancestors??????

  • Mary Rose I am pretty sure its safe to say your ancestors were love my wonderful friend, you got it from somewhere right Ron?

  • Ron Alexander Geez I hope so Mary Rose, have to think positively. This brings up a lots as 4 or 5 ancestors on maternal side were killed and 5 of 6 on paternal side died fighting for the South in the Civil War. Going back, I would have sailed away, and may have gotten to California like I did in this lifetime for 14 years. Sometimes, I wish I had never come back. Wow! like I said it brings up a lot!
    How can I see this differently?

    Ramji Goodman: They were doing their best according to their understanding. All were seeking love, but not always understanding what they wanted.
    Ron Alexander "...Exchanging my innocence for complexity...":
    If there is an ‘I’ who can ‘get it’,
    there will be an ‘I’ who can ‘lose it’,

    and this ‘I’ is nothing but thought.
    It is the most costly thought when believed in,
    for it exchanges your innocence for complexity
    and your spontaneity for inhibition.

      Thanks, I am just back from a meditation/prayer break where I sent BOUNDLESS LOVE to ALL including myself - to every cell, every atom in our body in the UNIVERSE!

    Thursday, March 27, 2014

    The Great Unnamed Epidemic

    Would you beat up on a Divine Being? Even if it is verbal, emotional abuse, you are doing that if you call yourself worthless, no good, lazy, an idiot, asshole, or dumb as shit. Or anybody else for that matter, however usually when we call anybody else that, it is a projection of our own feelings of lack of self-worth. I was brought up that way by my WWII vet. Marine Father, who fought in the worst battles in the Pacific.  He probably had ptsd, before they discovered that dis-ease! He would call me and my brothers all those names growing up, and somehow I can still feel those barbs 60 years later. I rebelled and went sailing as a young adult, not only from Dad, but from a culture that would send young men (mostly back then especially). My dear Brother Barry was one of those victims, a beautiful gregarious young man, who did not want to fight and fell in love with the Vietnamese people. So, as a helicopter pilot, he flew unarmed Medi-vac helicopters with red crosses on them, hopefully, they would not be shot down. I was in the army as a medic at the same time, not in Viet Nam, because he was(and he sent me letter warning me not to come there). He had only two weeks left out of 13 month tour.
    Science of Mind magazine's photo.
    From Science of Mind Magazine
     One time I was sailing for 6 months without reading a newspaper or listening to any news, and came back with dental problems. I looked down in the islands for a dentist, and finally found one on Crooked I. that said “Licensed to Pull Teeth Only”-beautifully carved wooden sign. So I took another swig of rum and a half of one the few percodans aboard, and sailed back into Ft. Lauderdale. There I had the wisdom tooth pulled anyway, and came out to wait for my ride, when I noticed a newspaper in a rack and read the headlines – “President Ford …” I was shocked and wondered what happened to President Nixon. Then I read about the whole Watergate scandal and Nixon’s subsequent resigning. Hmmm,

    Thursday, March 13, 2014

    Messages from a Islander

    Yes, that's her. She's lovely. She's from Barbados and my grandmother was from nearby Trinidad so my family went to both islands when I was a girl. I was thinking about how important Jung's concept of shadow is to us Libras who are so in love with love and harmony. I've seen too many light lovers get bit in the rear -- I've seen their children pay the price for the parent's inability to recognize pathology....You've probably been aware of the same thing as a spiritual therapist. Will you tell me about the kind of work you did?
    Yes, Miriam went to the University of West Indies. I spent time in the islands around Barbados, after purchasing a sailboat in St. Lucia - Castries! This was a turbulent time there, so sailed back to U. S. island hopping to Antiqua, Martinique, Quadoloupe, Dominica, St. Barts(I unfortunately told Jimmy Buffett about it and he ended up making it a big tourist destination), St. Michaels, Virgin Islands, St. Croix, Puerto Rico, ----many Islands many memories. And another lifetime it feels, my favorite therapy work was my "internship" at Center for Attitudinal Healing with Dr. Jerry Jampolsky. He was the first psychiatrist to work with life-threatened children. When I got there, some of his original children had become young adults. So I went about and got a grant to work with them, and it became the young adult program. This was like working with Angels on Earth, as these kids were ready to go, and yet, they wanted to experience being here now intensely, so they loved it that I took them out on big sailboat, up to Yosemite several times, to Mendocino, to Monterey, to Mt. Shasta. The shadow that you speak of, was the very angry Mothers naturally. However, I am now (25 years later) back in touch with some of the Mothers and Jerry Jampolsky. He is celebrating his 90th birthday with a big workshop in San Francisco next Aug. I am planning on coming out there, and possibly meeting with some of the Mothers, and see if their Angels on Earth children came back to them as Angels from heaven? Anyway, to sum it up, I ended up studying with famous relationship teachers and opened a Creative Relationship Center in Mill Valley and worked day treatment with several hospitals in San Francisco and in a transitional lodge in Napa State Hospital. I was a licensed Family Therapist, which was my third licensed career. My first was as a Clinical Pathologist, and then a Licensed Sailing Captain teaching Marine Science under Sail. So lots of good memories, and Mindfulness Meditation/prayer is my Way at the moment. So there you go, Denise - in a nut shell! TMI?
    Yes, Miriam went to the University of West Indies. I spent time in the islands around Barbados, after purchasing a sailboat in St. Lucia - Castries! This was a turbulent time there, so sailed back to U. S. island hopping to Antiqua, Martinique, Quadoloupe, Dominica, St. Barts(I unfortunately told Jimmy Buffett about it and he ended up making it a big tourist destination), St. Michaels, Virgin Islands, St. Croix, Puerto Rico, ----many Islands many memories. And another lifetime it feels, my favorite therapy work was my "internship" at Center for Attitudinal Healing with Dr. Jerry Jampolsky. He was the first psychiatrist to work with life-threatened children. When I got there, some of his original children had become young adults. So I went about and got a grant to work with them, and it became the young adult program. This was like working with Angels on Earth, as these kids were ready to go, and yet, they wanted to experience being here now intensely, so they loved it that I took them out on big sailboat, up to Yosemite several times, to Mendocino, to Monterey, to Mt. Shasta. The shadow that you speak of, was the very angry Mothers naturally. However, I am now (25 years later) back in touch with some of the Mothers and Jerry Jampolsky. He is celebrating his 90th birthday with a big workshop in San Francisco next Aug. I am planning on coming out there, and possibly meeting with some of the Mothers, and see if their Angels on Earth children came back to them as Angels from heaven? Anyway, to sum it up, I ended up studying with famous relationship teachers and opened a Creative Relationship Center in Mill Valley and worked day treatment with several hospitals in San Francisco and in a transitional lodge in Napa State Hospital. I was a licensed Family Therapist, which was my third licensed career. My first was as a Clinical Pathologist, and then a Licensed Sailing Captain teaching Marine Science under Sail. So lots of good memories, and Mindfulness Meditation/prayer is my Way at the moment. So there you go, Denise - in a nut shell! TMI?

    Saturday, March 8, 2014

    How to Live Agelessly

    To me, when I am living moment to moment mindfully, compassionately toward myself and others, I am living in an Eternal Heaven on Earth Space.

    Thursday, March 6, 2014

    Be Careful What You Wish For

    I know you support the Dhamma Bros. and Vipassana Meditation
    Meditation in Prison (We are all prisoners--...)

    There are two well-know documentaries about meditation in prison - one in India is called Doing Time, Doing Vipassana, while the other is about an Alabama Prison called The Dhamma Brothers.... The man responsible for both of these is S. N. Goenka, who passed last year at 88 years old. Here is an interview with him in an article in National Geographic in 2005.
    "We are all prisoners--of our minds," says Satya Narayan Goenka, an 80 year-old Burmese businessman turned meditation teacher who has spearheaded the vipassana resurgence in India.
    Ra Divakar Yes, this is what Real Freedom is...!

    R. T. haha. it's funny, I would almost prefer the lifestyle -- at least I would then have time for unending practice! Maybe having to go hold down jobs and earn a bunch of money and engage in a big messy distracting material world full of cravings is the bigger prison... ; )

    Ron Alexander Hey R. T., I know of a place for you - where you have your own meditating cell and you are waited on hand and foot and it is free. The catch is that you have to stay silent for ten days and learn to meditate for hours per day!
    Homepage of the organization which offers Vipassana Meditation courses as taught by S.N. Goenka
    Ron Alexander These ashrams are all over the world now thanks to S.N. Goenka and there is one in Jesup, Ga., I am sure there is one not far from Boulder. There are ones in California, Mass. - all over - there is list on the website. I have been to Jesup three times and looking for fourth time soon. I have even considered volunteering there and living there a few months? R. T.!

    R. T. That's awesome to hear, they are springing up all over, and as a result of his films and work.
    I am waiting on a response right now to actually be able to stay at my Sangha... I believe in having a teacher/Lama (finally),  as well as doing the incredibly powerful mantras, along with the insight and breath meditation. But all this is good! This progression gives me more hope in the world than anything else. thanks.

    Rowan Tate And do you mean Jesup, Georgia? I used to live in Atlanta for a dozen years

    Ron Alexander Yes, R. T. , I remember and that is why I brought up Jesup first - not a tourist destination, the Teachers there do not want distractions, although the building are nice with good heat/air conditioning thankfully. This is a perfect place to let go of ego and go within

  • Ron Alexander 15 or so members here at Charleston Unity have gone including the Minister and 87 year old Senior Minister. We meditate at the church for an hour at a time for several times per week, and had our first Sangha last evening!

    Ra Divakar Hey R. T.  and Brother Ron - nice dialogue thank you! Rowan, an Ashram or Monastery is many times better than prison, be careful what you wish for! On the other hand, one of my teachers was just busted for marijuana, and even "medical" pot does not hack it here in S. C., so he may be headed there, and I have to say he has a lot of equanimity about it!