Wednesday, May 7, 2014



Cinque de Mayo at Senior Center near by last night, and I was thinking of the Mambo and Tango, which I can fake pretty well. However, there was most line dancing to country western music, which only one looked like the participants were having a really good time. There was some partner dancing like the Shag, which I rebelled against when a young rebellious hippie/sailor. I tried to learn it later but too many straight lines for me. I even took some lessons in "partner dancing" at this Senior Center, yet still, I don't enjoy dancing like that. I have always been a free dancer, to rock and roll and reggae! You know the seventies mostly - disliked the disco dancing period mostly! Love the Free Spirit Yoga Dancing like at Kripalu - where you just mostly let yourself go to Spirit and really feel IT!
Well, last night was not a complete waste. I asked one of the most popular guys there (and maybe best dancer) that I met at partner dancing, and really enjoyed (he said he was an "old hippie" too) if I could sit at his table. He gracefully declined, so I went and sat in an almost empty corner, where this gentlemen said, humorously, it was the "bad boy's table". I laughed and said, "I will fit right in.". I was drinking some alcoholic free Margaritas, and he offered me a sip of his "real -thing" tequila with triple sec in it, a little I added to my drink. A couple of ladies joined us, and were duly warned, however one got it and enjoyed the humor, while the other lady just seemed desperate. Eventually, after a lot of small talk and complaining that the line dancers had taken over the D. J., the man and woman started dissing Obama harshly. The other lady, sitting across the table,  raised her eyebrows at me, apparently signaling me that she did not enjoy sitting in between such toxic conversation. Soon, she moved over between me and the next man, and she obviously wanted to dance. I told her about my line dancing phobia, and she said she could follow on a slow dance. So the first one of those that came up, we danced - just a regular slow dance dance, while the other "trained" dancers did the shag or something which we both agreed did not go along with the beat. And there was no doubt about that, and we just looked at each other and giggled.
I told her about my devotion to mindfulness Stress Relief, and later she told me about her hobby as a potter. "That is mindful activity." I told her and we agreed on creativity. She had told the whole table that she and her husband (divorced or deceased) were told they were Bohemians. She said this inquisitively, so I told her that bohemians were the name of free spirits before "hippies - peace and love children." She appeared to agree while the other couple sort of rolled their eyes and continued to wish the worst for Obama and all democrats,
Later, while the line dancers commandeered the dance floor, the real slow Tennessee Waltz came up, which became a circle dance, she asked me if I could dance the waltz, and I replied but not in a circle. She said that we could dance it in the middle of the circle, which I agreed to and had a ball!
Finally, a good old rock and roll song came up and I joyously led her out to the floor, and few other old codgers joined us when they saw what a good time we were having. Most of the old timers appeared to either envy us or to disapprove us? I know the line dance teachers "best dancer" introduced us, after congratulating me for finally getting to dance my free spirited way.
That pretty much ended the night for K., as she was on call tomorrow as a nurse. As we walked out, she stated that most people seemed so sad there, and asked me if I was happy, and with a big smile, I wished her good night. I am still high this morning on finally meeting a local woman who understands "out of the box" - LET YOUR SPIRIT DANCE:

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