Saturday, June 25, 2022

Inside an Abandoned Nazi Castle (Ep. 29)

I sailed there with students of International Field Studies in the late 70s. It was described in the Bahamas Yachting Guide as built in 1940 by a "Lord or Sir ?..." somebody from England. The guide, which I wish I still had, mentioned that on one side of the 7 acre i island was life stock, and on the other was fruit and vegetable being grown divided by a stone wall. Also, it mentioned the "Green Castle." We anchored outside, because the canal had been blown up by dynamite. so we dinghied into the island Where there was a strong concrete dock with large bollards. In the nearby maritime forest there was high antennaes sticking up, with machetes we cut through to see why? Underneath them were German radio parts and instructions scattered around a collapsed rotten wooden shack. There was no undergrowth on the well worn path to the "Green Castle" which was in good shape. We climbed onto the water tank to look in. There were nice furniture with modern German magazines lying around, which meant danger to us, so we left immediately. I asked an elderly Native on a nearby village, what was going on there. "I don't know Mon, all we did was gather food and put in on the dock, and in the morning it be gone, sir." I moved to California a couple of years later, and tried to get a document film maker to come back with me to document the place. The first thing I would do would be go to the library and obtain a Bahamas Yacht Guide before 1980, as that description above was in there annually into about 1980. I am sure you know that the deposed King, the Prince of Wales and his Hitler loving wife the Texan Divorcee were Nazis and I am sure the Sir? Englishman was a Nazi. They were "rescued" from the Nazis in Portugal and sent away to the Bahamas, which was under English Control. There are several books about them there, and they laundered money illegally. and supported Germany, helping finally. An American developer, evidently found out about them and was mysteriously murdered. The editor of YANKEE MAGAZINE interviewed several high ranking government officials, and went directly to Washington and told our president about his findings. He was told that it was well known and they were being watched carefully, READ: A CONSPIRACY OF CROWNS The True Story of the Duke Of Windsor And the Murder of Sir Harry Oakes by Alfred de Marigny with Mickey Herskowitz In my 8 plus wonderful years of sailing with Marine Science teachers and students, I wrote many logs and took many photos, which I could probably find if I looked hard enough. Yours in the truth of History. Ron Alexander I have interviewed Veterans for the Veterans History Section, The LIbrary of Congress. I have a small YouTube Channel which you can find Dog Tags and Body Bags - a Tribute to CWO Barry Alexander, by Ron Alexander (on Twitter, fb kicked me off when I posted the Russian connection to 45 election to over 330,000 ("likes" - sent to me by FB) early on in 2017, then they kicked me off permanently despite many testimonies by by friends and large Veteran Group.